
Allergy Season Is Here, Data Shows It Could Be A Long One

By News Apr 1, 2020 | 10:55 AM

Pollen counts are climbing as warmer weather settles in meaning the allergy season is just beginning.

“We’re seeing a lot of people with the runny nose, the cough, the itchy eyes and some even have a sore throat from the post nasal drip.” Dr. Aaron Robinson, otolaryngologist at CHI Health tells KLIN News. “These are super common symptoms many people have all the time.”

Robinson says data is telling him this could be a bad season.

The allergens come in cycles. First, it’s trees, then grasses and substances in your home. He added even though it’s hard, the best option is to avoid the allergen completely. If it’s windy – for example – don’t go outside.

Allergy and COVID-19 symptoms are similar.

“Myself as a health care provider, when I come in contact with patients all the time, I think the same thing in my head ‘is this allergies or is this COVID-19’?”

“The most important thing to remember is COVID-19 symptoms will involve a fever.”

Robinson says allergies will have itchy eyes, runny nose and a sore throat.

In addition to the fever being a different symptom, drainage is more common in allergies than COVID 19.