
COVID-19 FAQs: Take Out Food, Packages, Money, Intimacy

By News Apr 1, 2020 | 10:18 AM

The newsroom has received several calls about how COVID-19 may affect our daily lives and what we should expect with day-to-day activities.  Here are some answers:

How does social distancing affect intimacy with family members?

UNMC Dr. Sharon Medcalf explains there’s a greater risk for family members to come in contact with germs when they leave the home and then come home to snuggle with loved ones.

“It’s less of an issue if you’re all in the same environment and have stayed in the same environment and you’re not coming in contact with something from the outside.”

She added it could expose family members inside the home.

How does COVID-19 affect takeout food?

Medcalf says use common sense when it comes to taking food out of its container.

“I try to be really careful at getting it out of the cartons, washing my hands, taking those cartons to a bag that goes out to the garbage and then washing my hands again.  Then I get a clean plate.”

Medcalf says the food itself you will eat will be safe but her main concern is how you handle the containers.

Should I be worried about the packages that I receive through the mail? 

UNMC Nurse Beth Beam says if you’re concerned just let it sit for a couple of days.

“Once you’ve put it somewhere, wash your hands well and then come back to it in a couple of days.  Then that package will desiccate and dry out and then that package will be safe to open.”

She says the main concern is the external surface of the package. Anything internally would’ve sat long enough.

How long does the virus last on household surfaces?

Beam says the coronavirus can live on the surface from 3-72 hours.

“You can actually use disinfectants effectively to both clean and disinfect many of those surfaces to ensure we’ve removed the virus.  We want to clean first and then disinfect.”

She says you should focus on high touch surfaces like remotes and doorknobs. The right combination of bleach and alcohol solution works along with Lysol and Clorox.

Does COVID-19 pass through paper money and coins?

Bryan Health Spokesman Bob Ravescroft says his doctors don’t have a solid answer.

“Frankly, we don’t know.  It’s possible and plausible. (We) encourage anyone that handles money to practice extraordinary careful and good hand hygiene.”

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